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Upstream Prevention for Elementary Schools

The work of prevention is not done solely through focusing on risk factors, warning signs, and intervention, but rather involves discovering, teaching and celebrating resilience, help-seeking, connection, strength, and belonging. 

Oregon elementary schools can now access Sources of Strength Elementary to complement or increase their focus on social and emotional learning and mental health promotion for students and staff. There is a lot of human and financial support in place to support your elementary school and community.

If you are interested in learning more about how to bring Sources of Strength Elementary Curriculum to your community, click on the buttons below.

Sources of Strength Elementary Curriculum

The elementary model continues Sources of Strength's commitment to moving further upstream, increasing health and wellness, and decreasing negative downstream outcomes through empowering individuals and communities full of connection, belonging and resilience.

Sources of Strength Elementary Curriculum is available to any Oregon school (grades K-6) with little to no financial cost to schools as a part of the Oregon Health Authority’s investment in upstream suicide prevention programming.

For more information on Sources of Strength Elementary and a preview of the curriculum, check out our April 2021 information session.

To learn more about this curriculum visit the link to access the recording of their recent webinar :

Implementing schools will receive at low to no cost :

  • K-6 grade curriculum for every classroom in their school (stipended up to $1750 toward purchase)

  • Registration at 2-day virtual or in-person Coaches Training

  • Technical assistance from Matchstick Consulting and Sources of Strength staff to support implementation.

We want to ensure that the curriculum is not “one more thing” for teachers and leaders to do. Rather, we want to come alongside your school/district and discover how the Sources Curriculum can enhance and support what you are already doing. We know this takes an investment of time.

Oregon Sources of Strength Elementary Coaches Training

Our two-day Coaches Trainings are held throughout the year. See below for a list of training dates during the 2024/2025 school year. Registration for this training is paid for by the Oregon Health Authority. If you are interested in learning more or would like to attend please fill out the interest form below.

24’ - 25’ Coaches Training Dates:

February 12th & 13th

Roseburg, OR - Douglas County Fairgrounds

Our NEXT Elementary Coaches training will be April 14th & April 15th - Location TBD.

If you are interested in attending, fill out our Elementary Coaches Interest Form or contact Darci Brown at

Other Elementary Resources

Connecting to Help Resource

The Connecting to Help Resource (grades 3-6) includes a series of 6 lessons from the Sources of Strength Elementary curriculum. This package includes the Tier I suicide prevention lessons, professional development resources, and staff attendance at an Elementary Coaches training at no cost to Oregon schools through funding from OHA. This is an excellent option for schools/districts seeking Elementary prevention lessons that meet the requirements for Adi’s Act (SB 52) but bringing forward the full curriculum presents too many immediate barriers. Feel free to watch our recorded info session for a full overview.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to Darci Brown at

Learning Collaboratives

Once a month throughout the school year, Matchstick will host virtual Learning Collaboratives for those currently implementing Sources of Strength Elementary curriculum. We welcome all Coaches to join us in sharing ideas, resources, and to build community with those implementing throughout Oregon. We hope to have folks join as often as they can! Register for one of our upcoming Sources of Strength Elementary Learning Collaboratives below.