This series of six tier II lessons were developed to support students that experience challenges when processing emotions. This unit was developed to create additional opportunities for students to increase understanding of their emotional experiences and response to stressors. Students learn and practice a series of strategies to reduce dysregulation and increase healthy coping.
Lesson 1: Establishing Connection
Students will learn small group routines and collaborate to create shared agreements. Students will explore and practice interpersonal skills through sharing, listening, and building a rapport with one another.
Lesson 2: Where Emotions Live
Students will identify parts of the brain (brainstem, limbic system, prefrontal cortex) and practice connecting sensations, thoughts, and emotions with parts of the brain. Learn and practice new regulation strategy and identify opportunities to use in and outside of the school setting.
Lesson 3: Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions
Students practice naming and scaling emotional states and identify strategies they can use when they experience overwhelm.
Lesson 4: Emotions in Our Body
Students will connect emotional language with emotional states and explore their reactions to activation. Regulation practice includes a body scan script to promote the connection between the physical experience of our emotional states.
Lesson 5: What Helps Me
Students will identify and scale emotional states and further explore the concepts of what helps them bring big emotions back down to size. Students will practice grounding strategies that promote self-awareness.
Lesson 6: Celebration and Close
Students will reflect on concepts, strategies, and skills developed over the past 6-8 weeks. Students will identify and celebrate areas of growth in themselves and practice giving and receiving positive feedback with peers.
Finding Balance
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